But then how does the search know it has "zero results", and how does
it know when its reached the end of the results, ie, there are no more
results to fetch?

On Sep 9, 1:22 am, Nick Arnett <nick.arn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 8:33 PM, 8-30 <silverfrien...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > How do I get the number of results for a given search phrase? I don't
> > want the results themselves, I just want to know the size of the
> > results set for any given phrase. For example "jnni hinklebootmurgh"
> > returns 0 results, where "michael jackson" returns gazillions. How can
> > I get just the total number of results? I thought max_id might have
> > something to do with it, but evidently not.
> This question has been asked a few times before - it isn't available.
> Nick

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