With all the freely available examples, and all the freely available
documentation and support available through oauth.net, what's stopping
you from cranking out an OAuth client implementation in <2 hours?

OAuth helps prevent, or at least make obvious for the time being,
spammers. HTTP Basic Auth has no value here.

∞ Andy Badera
∞ +1 518-641-1280
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On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Ivo <i...@epointment.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> the developer wiki mentions that the source parameter is no longer
> recommended, because using oauth, twitter can already know the source
> of messages.
> However, there are a few use case scenario's that are limited if
> source is only available through oauth.
> Oauth is all about delegated authentication. It's about the user
> granting access to his resources to a service.
> There are services out there that do not use the user's credentials at
> all, but use their own account. E.g. I built flackr.net, and it logs
> in with its own @flackr account to follow its own timeline and
> aggregate news on a website. I don't need user's credentials at all
> for that. The Flackr backend is autonomous and runs on a server that
> has no web frontend, it just fetches data and processes it. It does
> send out tweets when it has aggregated something interesting.
> If I were to use oauth in this scenario I would have to build in full
> oauth support in my backend script, only to login once with my own
> account to grant myself access.  Since this is not about delegated
> access, I don't need oauth and can authenticate against twitter
> directly.
> This is a perfectly good use case scenario, and the source parameter
> would have to stay in order to support this use case scenario while
> still providing a different source.

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