I am only one person with too many irons in the fire. During the month or so that I spent actively working on the Twitter API project I had to go back and change parts my code more than once, not because of my errors (plenty of those but not the subject of this communication), but because of changes or proposed changes in the API. I would love to be in a position where I could focus exclusvely on this one project but I am not. As well as an ongoing job search I have a couple other projects showing promise. I cannot justify more time on Twitter when I see no point where the project graduates from in-development to live and in maintenance mode.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [twitter-dev] Re: Comments for the group and Twitter staff
From: Ryan Sarver <rsar...@twitter.com>
Date: Mon, September 14, 2009 11:59 pm
To: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com


Thanks for your email. We really appreciate the candid feedback and
definitely is not something we want to see happening. I would like to
hear more about what you mean by "not stable enough" and what specific
issues we can work on that would get you to consider Twitter a
platform worthy of building your business on.

I look forward to your feedback.

Best, Ryan

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