
I am confused.  Is the Geolocation now available on the API?

How are users opting in to it on a tweet basis?  or is the user
release later on?



On Sep 9, 7:13 pm, Mark Mason <> wrote:
> For those using the iphone and tweetdeck, you can click the locate
> icon and your iPhone: Long:Lat is updated on your profilie.location.
> I am interested in GEO locate, so products can find you.
> Example, You are on interstate driving or passenger, and it is after
> 3am, and you tweet...
> Holiday Inn can message you with a link to a nearby hotel.
> Or you tweet "I am hungry", and restaurants find you.
> just rambling
> On Aug 29, 8:26 am, Nicole Simon <> wrote:
> > reading up on the dev list, I noticed some replies to thegeolocationthing
> > and sorry to matt for picking his reply ;))
> > I'd like to add some of the "usual stuff we know US based devs do
> > forget but would be really great if they just thought about it because the
> > rest of the world likes to use them too".
> > Also I am surprised that thegeolocationof the person can be attached
> > to the tweets but still not to the profile - something which would make
> > location based services so much easier, even without having each
> > tweet tell the world where you are?
> > Short summary:
> > - when developping your app, please make sure to get international users
> >   to test them and get their input so you don't make something US-only
> > - before adding a geo location to every tweet, i rather expect people to
> >   be willing to add a real location in long / lat to their profile. having
> > it
> >   just in the tweets is the second step without doing the first. the
> > ecosytem
> >   would profit much more from it, would it be a profile thing.
> > On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 17:00, Matt Kaufman <> wrote:
> > > I think that issue can be simplified down to zip code radiAl query
> > > (simple) once you know the users relevent vicinity.  It's not like
> > > browsers are actually accurate as an actual gps (netbooks iPhone...
> > > Chipsets will change that soon)
> > great. my zipcode is 23554, and that resolves to Lübeck, SH.  :)
> > As in: there is more on the world than just US zipcodes.
> > Searches for anything outside of the US have been proven to be quite
> > ineffective as they resolve around things currently like name of town.
> > And that usually fails alone because the search does not recognize
> > the name of the town as it is locally.
> > // Sorting / overemphasize of state level
> > Very often, location based application do go for the state level (as
> > the US has so many of them) and does include the country, but neglects
> > that others might like geographic centers.
> > If you do an application please use a format like
> > continent - country - town - exact location
> > state in this is optional in many cases and not the center point in many
> > countries. more often than that, there is the additional level above town
> > like "car plate key" or else.
> > // Outputting wrong characters
> > if you use the application to resolve against something with the coordinates
> > please make sure your application does understand special characters
> > when you output them (like Lübeck)
> > // I dont want to share that
> > As a user, I might want to share with the world my country or my
> > town where I am currently at but not pinpointing me on the map.
> > Matt also brought up the the point about threats on exactgeolocation.
> > I know of at least one couple who got separated because the guy did
> > a location aware thing from the new girls house.
> > But I would not mind sharing my location in my profile in general.
> > For purposes of human profile readers, I do not put long and lat in my
> > profile,
> > and if I do use the correct "Lübeck, Deutschland" most of my visitors do not
> > understand if they are from outside Germany. Which is why I am opting
> > for Germany. Not because I want -but because that is the lowest thing
> > we all can agree on being understandable.
> > Nicole

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