So after battling OAuth, I finally was able to get an access token.
But now, I am getting a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to post the

My question is, what parameters do I need to send for posting a
status?  All parameters(consumer key, consumer secret, token, token
secret, nonce, timestamp, signature method, version)?  Does that
status go as a parameter, or is it written to the request like done
with Basic Authentication?  If it goes as a parameter, does it go as a
parameter that is part of the signature, or is it tacked on at the end
after the signature?  I am doing a desktop app, so I have the PIN.
Does the PIN need to also be a parameter to update the status?

With this generic message, it's hard for me to figure out what I am
doing wrong.  I don't know if I am missing parameters, have too many
parameters, or something that has nothing to do with the parameters.
I am using .Net, which is throwing an exception when trying to get the
response.  All I can see is "(401) Unauthorized".

I tried going by the OAuth core documentation for accessing protected

but still get the same error.

Here is my POST data for updating a status:


and my final URL looks like...

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