Hi Kalpesh,

While creative, the app link was not meant to be used in that manner.
We are discussing internally that OAuth app registration will
eventually have to be screened to prevent squatting and/or abuse. I'm
not sure that apps named "home" or "work" would pass that screen :)


On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Kalpesh <kalp.meh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chad,
> I would not register hundred apps but dozen is common i think..
> Can my account get suspended for having many applications (may be for
> 25)??
> i am not into name-squattering or so, but i am definitely interested
> in having more apps and using different apps related to my status.
> e.g. i may post a status like "tweeting from my home" and having
> "home" app linked to it in the from field of status. I don't see any
> kind of issue in that, what do you think?
> Thanks.

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