Looking at the examples I think this works much nicer, and should be
'friendlier' to implement. Looking forward to playing with it further.

On Oct 1, 9:08 am, Marcel Molina <mar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> We've updated the retweet payload to look a lot more like a regular
> tweet's payload. We find this change makes the retweet API
> conceptually simpler, easier and more convenient to work with and
> better overall. I've linked to examples of the new payload below, and
> will be updating documentation shortly, but first I'd like to share
> some background on what we've learned working on the retweet API over
> the past few weeks.
> One of the big objectives of the retweet feature is discovering new
> users to follow. We wanted the original status and its author
> highlighted front and center so they get due credit for the tweet
> someone you follow found worthy of retweeting. To that end the API was
> designed to emphasize the original tweet by having it be the top level
> object. Embedded within it we provided details about who retweeted it
> and when.
> Though this makes a statement to how we'd like the feature to be
> thought about, logistically it doesn't degrade gracefully for clients
> who don't implement any retweet logic in their code. Tweets appear in
> timelines from people who you do not follow and unless clients
> differentiate those tweets visually letting you know that someone you
> follow has shared this tweet, confusion ensues.
> To mitigate this, we opted to not include retweets into the existing
> friends timeline. Instead we created a new parallel home timeline that
> would be just like the friends timeline but included retweets. That
> way developers could opt in to the retweet feature at their leisure.
> Even with this opt in policy, though, there is still a critical
> responsibility imposed on developers to clearly communicate to their
> users that a given tweet in their timeline is a retweet and who the
> retweet is from. The likelihood that confusion would result turned out
> to be too high.
> Additionally, with the original status as the top level object in the
> payload, that means consumers of the API would receive what appears to
> be the same tweet multiple times. In a lot of cases that's fine, in
> others it's problematic.
> After experimenting with this approach we've decided that it's a
> better bet to craft a payload that will degrade far more gracefully.
> So we've redesigned the retweet payload. Rather than having the
> original tweet as the top level status with embedded details about who
> retweeted it, the retweet is the top level object and within it we
> include the original tweet and its author. You'll have full access to
> the entire retweeted status and user as well as the original tweet and
> its user. So you don't have to make any additional API calls and
> should have everything you need to display a retweet distinctively
> with attribute to both the original author and the retweeter. In other
> words, these retweeted statuses look a whole lot like regular
> statuses. This new design was our instinct to begin with and we
> probably should have gone with it. We think it's better and hope you
> do too. All the same documented resources will exist. Only the
> payloads change.
> The following timeline should contain examples of the updated retweet
> payload. You can use this to test consuming retweets.
> curlhttp://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/testiverse.xml
> curlhttp://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/testiverse.json
> In the event that new tweets go into the above timeline that push the
> retweets out, you can access a few directly at the following urls:
> curlhttp://twitter.com/statuses/show/4452134416.xml
> curlhttp://twitter.com/statuses/show/4452466408.xml
> curlhttp://twitter.com/statuses/show/4349744308.xml
> The above payloads don't contain a "retweet_count" element yet and
> they probably will. Other than that we don't suspect any more major
> changes as we approach a full public launch. As always, though, we're
> open and solicitous of everyone's feedback.
> Thanks.
> --
> Marcel Molina
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/noradio

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