/* Disclaimer - this app is not officially affiliated with Twitter. No
Twitter endorsement implied.  */

First, I’d like to say thanks to everyone on this board for sharing
their thoughts, questions, and help every day, and also thank Twitter
for creating a Great API for us to use.

Today we’re launching a new site call GoTwitr - www.gotwitr.com

GoTwitr is a Twitter Automation website designed to help people grow
and nourish their Twitter communities. We’ve spent a great deal of
effort trying to make this an application that works well for everyone
in the Twitter community - (New Users, Power Users, and of course

GoTwitr takes a new approach to growing your community. It provides
you with a set of tools to send out beautiful HTML invitations to
invite people to your Twitter community. You can send invitations via
email, on websites or blogs, or even to Twitter users. (This blog has
some screen shots of the HTML invitations -
http://www.gotwitr.com/content/gotwitr-site-built-drupal )

It also allows you to create a group of friends and attach them to an
invitation so when your invitee decides to follow you; they can also
follow your friends at the same time. This is a great way to get new
people started on Twitter.

Here are a few technical things we did to help people find quality
connections without just blindly mass following:
1. GoTwitr lets you preview everyone you follow or un-follow. Many
other Twitter automation tools bulk follow people. This feature
ensures that you get a chance to decide if you want to follow or not,
and helps to reduce or eliminate follower churn.
2. GoTwitr delivers people to your website. Every invitation accepted
will take your recipient to your website, twitter page, blog, or any
other URL.
3. 100% Oauth - You don't have to give away your Twitter password to
use all the features of our service. This also provides you with easy
sign in and registration.
4. API Limits – No user can hit the Twitter API more than 1000 times
in a 24 hour period.

Thanks again everyone for sharing your daily tips and insights.
Please visit and have a look: http://www.gotwitr.com

All feedback welcome.

Jim Fulford

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