
Is the API description available as a markup file (e.g. XSD)? Or is
there some other way of programmatically scanning the APi that I've

Thank you,

On Oct 16, 12:26 am, Marcel Molina <> wrote:
> We've taken the first steps toward introducing versioning into the
> Twitter REST API. With a versioned API we can make ambitious
> improvements *today*, not tomorrow, without worrying about breaking
> backwards compatibility. This will lead to both a better and more
> reliable API.
> Available right now, the API's new home is at
> Currently only one version is supported: version 1 :-) Version 1
> should be in all ways functionally equivalent to the API you're using
> at the main url (if you find what seems like an
> incompatibility please submit what you've found on our issue 
> tracker:
> To make a request with the new versioned API, you just need to prefix
> every path with the desired version. For now that's just 1.
> So for example, what was
> becomes
> For now we're keeping it simple. No subversions, no implicit version
> defaults, no fancy-pants etc. We're leaving our approach open to these
> types of additions, but we aren't going to support them until we feel
> a compelling need to.
> We haven't yet determined how many versions will be supported at once
> or how long a version will continue to be supported once it's
> deprecated. We'll be figuring out answers to these questions once we
> spend some time supporting multiple versions and seeing how new APIs
> emerge and iterate. We suspect though that we'll support deprecated
> versions for at least 6 months.
> We also don't have a hard date for when API requests tohttp://twitter.comwill 
> no longer be serviced. We aren't planning on
> pulling the rug out from anyone though. Please update your
> applications to the new your soonest
> convenience. The non API urls likely won't be supported forever.
> Though having a versioned API should greatly decrease the likelihood
> that a change in the API breaks your application, one of the notable
> exceptions is bug fixes. When bugs are discovered they will be fixed
> and backported immediately to all supported versions of the API.
> We're kicking the tires on we hope to
> have around the corner. The time has
> come for us to start knocking off some of the stuff on V2 Roadmap 
> list For a while that page has been
> the dumping ground for all our lofty dreams. Version 2 probably won't
> be so ambitious that it resolves everything on that list. We want,
> after all, to get good at managing a multi-version environment before
> we get all crazy with the nitrous injections and chrome detailing. But
> we're putting the framework in place that will allow us to more
> quickly fix the stuff you've struggling with, take chances without
> putting your work in jeopardy, and all other things that are good.
> Cheers.
> --
> Marcel Molina
> Twitter Platform Team

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