Yeah. The documentation is sketchy. I wasn't able to fine anything
definitive from Twitter:

"Additional limits if you are following 2000 or more people:
The rules about aggressive following and follow churn still apply. In
addition, every user can follow 2000 people total. Once you’ve
followed 2000 users, there are limits to the number of additional
users you can follow: this limit is different for every user and is
based on your ratio of followers to following."

Others have described the ratio as 10% more than you are currently

"So, the limit of following 2,000 people was contrived as a mechanism
to prevent follow spamming.  Once you have around 1,800 followers you
can start following 10% followers more than are currently following
you.  So, at 2,000 followers following you, you can follow a total of
2,200 people on Twitter."


On Oct 19, 10:40 pm, Allan Zhang <> wrote:
> >> Once you’ve followed 2000 users, there are limits to the number of 
> >> additional users you can follow: this limit is different for every user 
> >> and is based on your ratio of followers to following
> It is not very clearly document by twitter help document. Can someone
> give more info about how to calculate how many users I can follow for
> my account( 2001 following, 883 follower)? When I want to follow more
> guys, it gives me an error message. I need to implement this algorithm
> to my program. Thanks for your help in advance.
> Thanks
> Allan Zhang

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