Hi Ryan,

This sounds like a bug. Can you provide full HTTP request/response
headers+body traces for some of these requests? (be sure to obscure
the authentication header). Using curl -vvv would be good.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Ryan Rosario <uclamath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been running into a recurring problem that I have been facing
> for the past couple of days, on numerous machines.
> I am extracting 200 tweets for a large number of users, using the
> numeric user ID (user_id). After a small number of requests (between
> 10 and 50) I receive nothing but "This method requires
> authentication". Authenticating with my username and password does not
> make the message go away. I have verified that the users I am trying
> to pull are not protected users. I have also verified that I am not
> hitting the rate limit.
> On my latest attempt, I used an IP I have not used in the past. I was
> able to extract the first 200 tweets for *12* users, then I started
> receiving 401s ("This method requires authentication") on every single
> request of this type.
> After about 10 minutes, I tried again and it worked for about another
> 15 users, then I started getting the same message as well as other
> messages including 502.
> Is this behavior expected? Does this 401 message possibly mean
> something else?

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