Actually I can confirm my previous supposition, here is the log for an
empty 200 response with a new max_id:

DEBUG: 06:02:44 PM on Mon October 26th Doing CURL fetch with User
Agent: justsignal/1.0 (+ and RFERER:
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Twitter responded with 200 HTTP
Status Code.
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th MaxID: 5182676703
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th There are: 0 results in this
Updating number for api hits for hour: 18 to: 1
THROTTLE-69: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Slowing collection...
Avg: 0 returning delay: 180
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Checking for next page... ****
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th There is NOT another page of
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Old max: 5181314618 New max:
DEBUG: 06:02:45 PM on Mon October 26th Old max: 5182676703 New max:

As you can see I'm getting 0 tweets and a new max_id... that isn't

Please advise.


Brian Roy

On Oct 26, 12:47 pm, briantroy <> wrote:
> 1) Since late last week I've noticed a significant number of 403
> errors (403 Error from JSON: since_id too recent, poll less
> frequently). These usually indicate I'm hitting a server with an
> "older" view of the search index - since it thinks the ID I sent in
> since_id is newer than the newest it has. These trouble me because
> when I get a 200 after the 403 sometimes I get everything back to my
> since_id, sometimes I don't. I appears some indexes have gaps until
> they catch up.
> QUESTION: Are there any ongoing search indexing issues that you are
> aware of?
> 2) Since late last week I've noticed that some search API requests
> appear to get "stuck" returning an empty json result (no new tweets).
> This can go on for HOURS (today one got stuck like this for 12 hours).
> When I restart my process sometimes this clears up (I get the backlog)
> - other times it does not (I continue to get 0 tweets in the json).
> All of the requests return HTTP 200 and valid json.
> QUESTION: Are they any ongoing caching issues with the search API?
> These issues are new in the last 7 days (since about last Thursday).
> My IP is whitelisted. I'm sending both a valid user agent and referrer
> header. My processes are throttled by the volume of tweets the
> receive. I've made no changes to my processing since late September.
> Any assistance would be appreciated. My user's are comparing what they
> see from my service to and telling me we are
> broken.
> Regards,
> Brian Roy
> justSignal

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