Chad has been awesome in supporting the Twitter developer community,
digging into details, and working out thorny issues. He will be


On Oct 30, 4:00 pm, Chad Etzel <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Today is the last day of my Twitter API Support contract. I will be
> stepping down from this role and return to full-time 3rd party Twitter
> app development. In other words, I will no longer be under Twitter's
> employ. This also means that I will no longer be responding to the
> dev-list in any sort of official capacity. I may still chime in
> occasionally with questions/comments as a voice from the community,
> but that will be as "official" as it gets.
> I have enjoyed the opportunity to help so many developers on (and
> especially off) the list to help further their apps.
> I leave the official dev-list communication in the very capable hands
> of the Twitter Platform Team.
> By the way, Twitter is still hiring! If you feel that this Support
> role is something that you would like, please apply!
> There are several other open positions as well:
> Cheers!
> -Chad

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