hi raffi, this is great.
+1 on being about to query trends by lat, lng, radius (or using a
bounding box spatial query)

this might help what i am doing with GeoMeme - http://www.geome.me
which currently uses the Yahoo Term Extraction API to work out
trending topics at *any* lat / lng position.

keen to hear your thoughts on GeoMeme if you are willing / able.

keep up the geo!

cheers, bob

On Nov 10, 9:13 am, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
> We've heard from lots of users that trending topics, as seen on the  
> twitter.com homepage and on search.twitter.com, are a fun way to  
> figure out what's going on in the Twitter-verse at this very instant.  
> The one feature request that we've heard over and over, however, is  
> "what's going on where I am?".  To answer that, we wanted to give you  
> all a heads up regarding the new "Trends API" that we're launching.  
> This API will open up trending information that is specific to a  
> number of locations around the world.
> At a high level, there will be two new endpoints:
> * an endpoint to give a listing of all locations that trends are  
> available for, and
> * an endpoint to actually allow you to query by a specific location.
> We're using Yahoo!'s Where on Earth IDs (WOEIDs) to name each location  
> that we have information for -- we're doing so because those IDs give  
> not only language-agnostic, but also permanent, stable, and unique  
> identifiers for geographic locations.  For example, San Francisco has  
> a permanent and unique WOEID of 2487956, London has 44418, and the  
> Earth has WOEID 1.  You can find out more about those IDs 
> athttp://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/
> .  The EXAMPLES section at the bottom of the documentation's landing  
> page shows an example of how to find out the WOEID of a specific place.
> To start reading through the documentation, check out:
> https://twitterapi.pbworks.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-trends-avai...https://twitterapi.pbworks.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-trends-loca...
> It should be noted that at launch, unlike the trends that are  
> available by the search API, these localized trends will not be rolled  
> up into daily and weekly trends.  Those rollups may come in a future  
> release.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> ra...@twitter.com | @raffi

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