Contact support, all of your statuses are excluded from Search. All
seems well and correct at first glance.

On Nov 11, 10:57 am, Zehra Nasif <> wrote:
> I am aware of the think there is a bug in
> Twitter search algorithm. Please see my latest tweets
> --------------------------
> Well, if @shitmydadsays is not being filtered by Twitter geniuses, WTF
> are they looking for to filter? I am ANNOYED as hell.
> about 1 hour ago from web
> hmmm..."Chances are that your account has been filtered by our search
> metrics"
> about 1 hour ago from web
> Twitter programmer crew;what is the logic behind that my hashtags
> arent showing in search results and others' do. My tweets arent
> protected
> about 1 hour ago from web
> @ammaryasir they are not protected.
> about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck in reply to ammaryasir
> @ammaryasir Thanks! I just CANT believe how this can happen. Your twit
> showed up in the search, but still not mine.
> about 1 hour ago from web in reply to ammaryasir
> #UniverseDontFreakingTestMeNOW!!!
> about 1 hour ago from web
> @ammaryasir hey ammar, can you please give me a favor and twit
> #better2012movietitles . I am curious whether it will come up in
> search.
> about 1 hour ago from web in reply to ammaryasir
> WTF!!!!! Why my #better2012movietitles are not in the search results?
> As a programmer, this does not make any sense to me.
> about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
> #better2012movietitles
> about 2 hours ago from web
> Universe is working against me Today. Why my #better2012movietitles
> tweets are not showing in search? @mostlybob 's twits are showing .
> about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
> I wont be missing a good action RT @jamerz3294: Bad Science, Lame
> Movie ...that's my entry and I'm sticking to it ;)
> #better2012movietitles
> about 2 hours ago from web
> Is it me or Twitter hashtag search is not wroking right?
> #better2012movietitles search is not returning my twits.
> about 2 hours ago from web
> "The Higgs Hell" #better2012movietitles
> about 2 hours ago from web
> "When The LHC Finally Worked" #better2012movietitles
> about 2 hours ago from web
> On Nov 11, 1:36 pm, John Kalucki <> wrote:
> >
> > On Nov 11, 9:54 am, Zehra Nasif <> wrote:
> > > Twitter programmer crew;what is the logic behind that my hashtags
> > > arent showing in search results and others' do. My tweets arent
> > > protected. My account is ZN_Moment.

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