As previously announced by Alex Payne on September 24th (see, we're removing support for pagination from the /
friends/ids and /followers/ids methods.

As of that time we set a hard deadline of October 26th, 2009. The
original date has passed as we tried to give all of our partners extra
time, but we are going to need to make the change now.

At some point today, the "page" and "count" parameters will be ignored
by the /friends/ids and /followers/ids methods and we will only be
supporting cursors.

Unfortunately, due to architectural considerations, cursor identifiers
are not predictable. This means that you will have to extract the next
and previous cursor identifiers from the results returned to you.

For example, to get Obama's followers, we would first perform a GET

Which returns XML similar to:
    (... more ids ...)

To retrieve the next 5000 IDs, we would then perform a GET against:

Note that cursors are signed 64-bit integers.

Please refer to the documentation for our social graph methods for
more information:


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