Just to close the loop on my issue: I got some off-list help, Twitter
investigated, and it turns out my IP address had been blacklisted in
error. The blacklisting is removed, and I'm back in business.

I must say it's nice that I could ask a question on this list, and get
pretty much immediate attention from the proper Twitter person, and
over a weekend at that. Thanks, John Kalucki, and thanks, Twitter.

  --Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada    @jdlh   
   Twanguages: a language census of Twitter @twanguages

On Nov 15, 6:52 am, John Kalucki <jkalu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are two levels of blacklisting. One is a temporary band that
> resets every few minutes. This one gives you 401 errors. Then there's
> an IP black hole that is removed by an operator. Currently the IP
> black hole sends a TCP RST, but we might might also null route you.
> You can verify an IP block by attempting to connect from a different
> network.
> If you provide an account name, I can look through the logs and see
> what happened. An IP address can also be helpful. In the absence of
> these keys, I can only speculate as to what occurred.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Nov 15, 12:54 am, Jim DeLaHunt <jim.delah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > John:
> > Thanks very much for the reply.
> > On Nov 14, 8:30 pm, John Kalucki <jkalu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > This sounds like you were ignoring HTTP error codes and eventually got
> > > blacklisted. 
> > > Consider:http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Streaming-API-Documentation#Connecting
> > Hmm... I was launching single curl requests, making one connection
> > then breaking it after max 3 seconds. I would then wait 6 minutes
> > before trying to connect again.  I didn't record the HTTP result code
> > I got back, but it seems that according to Streaming-API-
> > Documentation#Connecting I was being tremendously conservative.  That
> > doc recommends backing off for 10 to 240 seconds on an HTTP error code
> > (>200); I always backed off for 360 seconds immediately, whether the
> > HTTP error code was good or bad.
> > How would backing off by *more* than the docs call for get me
> > blacklisted?
> > > You can tell for sure by turning off --silent and using -v to see
> > > what's going on. You should be getting some sort of message back, or
> > > absolutely nothing back. Those codes are not HTTP error codes, they
> > > must be some curl artifact.
> > Correct, the codes "6" and "52" are defined by curl. 
> > Seehttp://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html. Using -v and other curl
> > options, I see clearly that what I'm getting back is "absolutely
> > nothing back": 0 bytes in response to my HTTP query. (That's the
> > meaning of the code "52".)
> > For the last 6 hours, I've polled once per hour (once per 3600
> > seconds), and this null response has not changed.
> > The docs don't say how to confirm that I've been blacklisted. Any
> > suggestions for how to confirm that? Nor do they say what to do if I
> > am in fact blacklisted. They say that the blacklist lasts "an
> > indeterminate period of time", so maybe they are implying I should
> > just wait and the system will list the blacklist itself.
> > The biggest issue, though, is to understand why I could have become
> > blacklisted, when I backed off for 360 seconds after each attempt.
> > Because right now, I don't know what I should do differently.
> > Thanks again for the guidance.
> >    --Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada   �...@jdlh
> >    Twanguages: a language census of Twitter 
> > @twanguageshttp://jdlh.com/en/pr/twanguages.html
> > > Tcpdump is also sometimes useful.
> > > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > > On Nov 14, 6:13 pm, Jim DeLaHunt <jim.delah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Am I the only one seeing this? I call the Streaming API 10x/hour. For
> > > > the last 23 hours or so, I've been getting bad responses every time.
> > > > I use a cron job to call from the Linux shell:
> > > > curl --user myid:mypassword --silent --fail --max-time 3 --retry 
> > > > 0http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.xml
> > > > and I get usually a curl return code "(52) Empty reply from server",
> > > > though sometimes "(6) name lookup timed out". Same thing happens when
> > > > I ask for .json instead of .xml.
> > > > The failures started at the rate of 1-2/hour on 2009/11/13 09:00h UTC
> > > > (Friday early morning PST), though they became continuous as of
> > > > 200/11/14 03:24h UTC (Friday evening PST), and remain continuous.
> > > > Is anyone else calling this API and failing? Or succeeding? in the
> > > > last 24 hours?
> > > > Thank you,
> > > >    --Jim DeLaHunt, Vancouver, Canada   �...@jdlh
> > > >    Twanguages: a language census of Twitter   
> > > > @twanguageshttp://jdlh.com/en/pr/twanguages.html

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