If anyone is still having this problem you should know pengwynn
patched this today in 0.7.7

On Nov 29, 11:04 am, Michael <magic6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey mark thanks for the reply. I'm going to give it a shot today
> On Nov 28, 4:53 pm, Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > Actually, adding it to :headers isn't going to do what you want at
> > all.  Best bet seems to be to patch the gem to issue a POST request
> > along with _method = DELETE
> >    ---Mark
> > On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Mark McBride <mmcbr...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > > This is the twitter gem athttp://github.com/jnunemaker/twitter? The
> > > problem seems to be that the list_remove_member in base.rb is trying
> > > to pass parameters in with :body in the last hash
> > >    def list_remove_member(list_owner_username, slug, id)
> > >      perform_delete("/#{list_owner_username}/#{slug}/members.json",
> > > :body => {:id => id})
> > >    end
> > > However perform_delete in request.rb completely ignores this option
> > >      def perform_delete
> > >        send(:delete, uri, options[:headers])
> > >      end
> > > You might try adding :headers => {:_method => "DELETE"} to your call,
> > > but the best path seems to be to get the gem fixed up.
> > >   ---Mark
> > > On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Michael <magic6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> I have given up with trying to make it work with DELETE and tired
> > >> sending "_method=DELETE" along with the body.. no success. i get
> > >> Unauthorized - Incorrect signature
> > >> Any ideas?
> > >> On Nov 28, 12:13 am, Michael <magic6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >>> I know that i should post on the Twitter gem group(and i have) but
> > >>> that place is dead and also i think my problem is not with the gem but
> > >>> understanding how the oauth and REST works. I could be looking down
> > >>> the wrong path tho seeing as how i kinda feel like Alice down the
> > >>> rabbit hole.
> > >>> Everything dealing with lists works on the twitter gem but one thing
> > >>> and that's "list_remove_user" which is using the DELETE list members
> > >>> API.
> > >>> Now when i use it as planned i get this error.
> > >>> Twitter::RateLimitExceeded: (400): Bad Request - You must specify a
> > >>> member
> > >>> Which is the same error you get if you use the api via curl and leave
> > >>> off the id
> > >>>http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-DELETE-list-mem...
> > >>> It has nothing to do with the rate limit. twitter gem just returns all
> > >>> 400's as a ratelimitexceded. There is no rate limit for adding and
> > >>> removing list items and also my account is whitelisted.
> > >>> Then i moved on and noticed that the delete method was only passing
> > >>> the uri and header options meanwhile post and put had an extra body
> > >>> option.
> > >>> def perform_post
> > >>>   send(:post, uri, options[:body], options[:headers])
> > >>> end
> > >>> def perform_delete
> > >>>   send(:delete, uri, options[:headers])
> > >>> end
> > >>> From that i assumed that the id that gets passed for the users id must
> > >>> be inside of the options[:body] and that's why twitter was telling me
> > >>> "You must specify a member"
> > >>> When oauth gem creates the url's to query it does it like so and once
> > >>> again they do not include "body"
> > >>> def post(path, body = '', headers = {})
> > >>>  request(:post, path, body, headers)
> > >>> end
> > >>> def delete(path, headers = {})
> > >>>   request(:delete, path, headers)
> > >>> end
> > >>> But that all blows up when i add "body" to delete.
> > >>> So after all of this i guess what I'm wondering is.. is there
> > >>> something to do with oauth and REST that will not let you pass along
> > >>> extra params and do i need to look into using a POST method and
> > >>> passing _method=DELETE.
> > >>> I have not tried that yet because i have no idea how to attempt that
> > >>> in the confines of ruby using oauth. thanks for any help, this is
> > >>> driving me nuts.
> > >>> Mike.

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