Perhaps someone from Platform could weigh in on this?


On Dec 1, 7:41 pm, braver <> wrote:
> John -- thanks for clarification!  Certainly it's the data in
> Twitter's database as a whole, not just the Streaming API.  One
> question is whether you should accept illegal Unicode?  Probably it's
> a safer thing to do to avoid scaring the clients, but maybe you'd want
> to apply some filter before sticking it into the database?  I.e., is
> it reasonable to have a policy of accepting or storing only legal
> Unicode?  I know some folks use Twitter for machine/sensor data, but
> perhaps it's not intended?  I can envision Twitter allowing non-
> Unicode data if marked as such, perhaps on a closed stream, for
> machines talking to each other, -- but not humans.
> Cheers,
> Alexy

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