It doesnt work??

$array = array();
$con = $connection->get('statuses/followers', array("cursor"=>
foreach($con->users as $follower){
        $array[] = $follower->screen_name;
$lastTweetToStartAt = $con->next_cursor;
$con = $connection->get('statuses/followers', array("cursor"=>
foreach($con->users as $follower){
        $array[] = $follower->screen_name;

On Dec 10, 5:37 pm, Mark McBride <> wrote:
> This is indeed the way you do it.
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 8:49 AM,
> <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I understand when using the Twitter OAuth API to request a list of
> > followers, i am given only 100.
> > When i add the "cursor" => "-1" i am given a [users] section and then
> > [next_cursor] and [previous_cursor]
> > If i wanted to get all of the followers i could call the first
> > followers request, then while next_cursor is not equal to "0" call
> > again, but set thecursoras the previous call's [next_cursor] -
> > correct?
> > I am building this in PHP and i am not sure if this is the totally
> > wrong way about this (oh and i will check if follower count is <= than
> > 12,000 as the limit per hour per user is 150 so to stop their limit
> > being reached.
> > Any help appreciated!
> --
>    ---Mark

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