There are some loose ends that need to be tied up in both the List and
Retweet APIs to round out the feature set and fix some bugs. I want to crank
these all out. So here is a little list I've been building. Please add what
I've left out and you think is missing.

* add retweet_count to every status representation
* support paging through the resource that returns all retweets for a given
* don't require authentication for *most* read only resources

* on a user representation, show list count, list memberships count and list
subscriptions count
* don't require authentication on read only resources
* expose a list of ids for a list's members and subscribers (this change
will go hand in hand with a new bulk user lookup resource where you provide
a list of ids and get back a list of user representations)
* count parameter for status timelines of a list appears to do nothing

Many other things I'm sure...

Marcel Molina
Twitter Platform Team

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