This is a known issue on the bug tracker, I believe, thatis assigned to me. I'll try to get it taken care of soon.

On Dec 20, 2009, at 12:41 AM, mndasher <> wrote:

On Dec 20, 12:22 am, Cameron Kaiser <> wrote:
Tweets are limited to 140 characters. If I am sending the tweet from
an API which requires the characters to be urlencoded is there a limit
there? Or is it the un-encoded length that must be <= 140?

The un-encoded length must be <= 140. It is still not clear to me if this
is fixed for UTF-8 characters, though; Matt Sanford was going to post
something about that and I never heard anything about it later.

------------------------------------ personal:http:// Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems ** -- This message will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim. -- M:I ----

Ok - I need to sort this out.. it seems if a posting is >140 it just
doesn't get posted, and the API does not complain, i.e. no error
reported.  Using PHP and cURL for the API.

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