Maybe it is being considered now, check this thread:

On Dec 22, 9:34 am, Tyson Lowery <> wrote:
> The decision to leave out retweets is incomprehensible.  I don't see
> who it benefits to leave these out, besides maybe the programmer at
> Twitter who has to do the work to include them.  The API Programmers
> don't like it, the confused Twitter users who no longer see Retweets
> in their favorite third party services certainly don't like it
> either.  Leaving retweets out of the public api certainly played a
> part in the general user backlash to the Retweet feature.
> On Dec 22, 12:46 am, Tim Acheson <> wrote:
> > I strongly agree with the OP.
> > Problem: Unable to get the complete timeline for a user including
> > retweets (without logging in)!
> > There is an important limitation with the API regarding retweets. With
> > the new retweets feature, in the current API, it is not possible to
> > get a complete timeline for a user (unless you have the user's
> > password). This is bad. Firstly, it means user timelines retrieved
> > from the API will always be potentially incomplete, with retweets
> > excluded. Yet retweets are considered part of a users timeline and
> > always have been. Secondly, it means I can't retrieve my own complete
> > timeline without logging in, which is surely an unnecessary extra
> > step.
> > The API functionality for retweets seems inconsistent with other API
> > methods, notably statuses/user_timeline which does not require a log-
> > in. It's also inconsistent with the RSS feed which does include
> > retweets in a users' timeline.
> > Solution: A new API method is required, to retrieve retweets for a
> > user without logging in.
> > statuses/user_timeline
> > Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating
> > user. It's also possible to request another user's timeline via the id
> > parameter. This is the equivalent of the Web /<user> page for your own
> > user, or the profile page for a third party.
> > Note: For backwards compatibility reasons, retweets are stripped out
> > of the user_timeline when calling in XML or JSON (they appear with
> > 'RT' in RSS and Atom). If you'd like them included, you can merge them
> > in from statuses retweeted_by_me.
> >

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