Thank you for the due dilligence (lol)... Resolved finally ... it was
a problem with percent encode and utf 8 encode of text (status), i
used huevuniverse to check
every step and finally was solved ... still some chararacter are
strange (latin characters), but it is working enough well ...

you are invited to use my old asp app.


On Dec 27 2009, 3:36 pm, quenotacom <> wrote:
> Thank you,
> Language ASP CLASSIC
> What end point :
> Parameters:
> get_twitter_url
> ('POST',twitter_url,oauth_key333,oauth_key333s,token_auth_var,token_secret_­var,
> '', // scope
> 'status', // name of the parameter
> mensaje // the text to be send
> )
> //
> //-------------------------------------------------------------------------­---
> //
> function get_twitter_url
> (accion,url_var,url_customer,key_secret_o,token333,token334,scope,oaparamet­ro,mensaje)
> {
> var url_var2 =''
> if (accion == 'POST')
> {
>         if (mensaje != '')
>         {
>                 var msgtxt = PE('&'+oaparametro +'=')+ PE(mensaje)
>                 var msgtxt2 = oaparametro+'="'+ PE(mensaje)+'"'
>                 var DataToSend  = msgtxt2
>         }}
> if (accion == 'GET')
> {
>         if (mensaje != '')
>         {
>                 url_var2 =  '?'+oaparametro+'='+PE(mensaje)
>         }
>         var msgtxt = ''
>         var msgtxt2 = ''
>         var DataToSend = null}
> var nonce_o = nonce_rut()
> var ts_o        = ts_rut()
> var base334 =
>         accion
> +       '&'+PE(url_var)
> +       url_var2
> +       '&'+PE('oauth_consumer_key=')       + PE(url_customer)
> +       PE('&oauth_nonce=')         + (nonce_o)
> +       PE('&oauth_signature_method=')      + PE('HMAC-SHA1')
> +       PE('&oauth_timestamp=')     + PE(ts_o)
> +       PE('&oauth_token=')         + PE(token333)
> +       PE('&oauth_version=')               + PE('1.0')
> +       msgtxt
> var key_secret  = key_secret_o;
> var firma               = PE(str2rstr_utf8(key_secret))+"&"+ ((str2rstr_utf8
> (token334)));
> firma           = (b64_hmac_sha1(firma, base334))
> var auth333     = 'OAuth oauth_version='                        + '"1.0", '
>                 +'oauth_nonce="'                           + nonce_o       
> +'", '
>                 +'oauth_timestamp="'                               + ts_o  
> +'", '
>                 +'oauth_consumer_key="'                    + url_customer+'", 
> '
>                 +'oauth_token="'                           + (token333)    
> +'", '
>                 +'oauth_signature_method'                       + 
> '="HMAC-SHA1", '
>                 +'oauth_signature="'                               + 
> PE(firma)     +'"'
>                 + msgtxt2
>                 +'\r\n'
> var w_atom1 = upload_http_get('upload',accion,url_var+url_var2,
> DataToSend,auth333,scope,mensaje)
> if (w_atom1)
> {
>         Response.ContentType = "text/html"}
> else
> {
>         Response.Write('Sorry I cannot get the url required ....')
> }
> }
> >    - what parameters are you passing in (if you are authenticating, what
> >    user are you authenticating as?)
> user = quenotacom or qnnnews
> >    - if you are using OAuth, and you're having problems with oauth, please
> >    provide us the entire oauth header that is being passed
> 100% operative for GET access, no for POST (the same rutine) attached
> >    - what was the response that the twitter api returned to you?
> Something is technically wrong Response 500
> My sites
> When I remove the status (text to send) i receive a response saying
> everything is ok but for status/update i need to send a parameter, so
> it looks like
> the oauth is ok, the same when i change something in the signature ...
> so it looks something in your side.
> Thanks, if you need more let me know
> On Dec 22, 7:14 pm, Raffi Krikorian <> wrote:
> > in general, for situations like this, please realise that in order for us to
> > help you, we need as much information as you can give us so that we can try
> > to replicate the problem and hopefully track it down.  what is really
> > helpful is the following:
> >    - what end point are you calling? (which method are you calling?  e.g.
> >    status/update)
> >    - what parameters are you passing in (if you are authenticating, what
> >    user are you authenticating as?)
> >    - if you are using OAuth, and you're having problems with oauth, please
> >    provide us the entire oauth header that is being passed
> >    - what was the response that the twitter api returned to you?
> > if you suspect the problem is with your IP address or where you are calling
> > from, then also please provide the IP address your call is coming from, and
> > the time (as accurate as you can) that you made the call that failed.
> > thanks!
> > On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Mark McBride <> wrote:
> > > It means an error occurred processing your request.  Without more
> > > details (for example the specific headers and URLs) it's difficult to
> > > answer in more detail.
> > >   ---Mark
> > >
> > > On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 2:36 PM, quenotacom <> wrote:
> > > > Nobody answer here ?
> > > > On Dec 21, 4:06 pm, quenotacom <> wrote:
> > > >> Hi,
> > > >> I am using the REST api (oauth) , everything is working for GET
> > > >> operations, however I cannot POST an update/status because I always
> > > >> receive that message (Thanks for noticing we're going to fix it up and
> > > >> have things back to normal soon).
> > > >> Could you explain what is the meaning of that message ?
> > > >> Thanks
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Team quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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