Just FWIW, this isn't really an iPhone-specific issue – there are a
lot of rich mobile devices out there. One reason (excuse?) for not
using OAuth in Spaz on webOS is the poor functionality on mobile.

I'm really reluctant to move to OAuth until the flow for mobile is
improved. The data from heypic.me is just what I was afraid of.

Ed Finkler
AIM: funka7ron
ICQ: 3922133

On Dec 6 2009, 3:08 am, Ram <group...@cascadesoft.net> wrote:
> As a followup to the mobile OAuth discussions from October 
> (seehttp://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...)
> ........
> Does anyone know of any (publicly released) iPhone or other mobile
> Twitter apps that use OAuth ?
> I'm partly curious to know/confirm whether our app is the only iPhone
> (or mobile) app that uses Twitter OAuth login for posting
> tweets, ....but I also want to know what you think of the UI, if
> you've used Twitter OAuth login in any publicly released mobile app.
> Thanks Ram

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