I'm part of the TwitterVB library project. Part of my effort is to write an object that encapsulates a connection to TwitVid.com I'm currently testing the upload function but am having problems:

    Upload = String.Empty

            If DateTime.Now > m_dtTL Then
            End If
Dim bMovieFile() As Byte = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(p_strFileName)
                Dim strBoundary As String = Guid.NewGuid.ToString()
Dim strHeader As String = String.Format("--{0}", strBoundary) Dim strFooter As String = String.Format("--{0}--", strBoundary) Dim rqUpload As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(TWITVID_UPLOAD_URL), HttpWebRequest)
                With rqUpload
                    .PreAuthenticate = True
                    .AllowWriteStreamBuffering = True
.ContentType = String.Format("multipart/form-data; boundary={0}", strBoundary)
                    .Method = "POST"
                End With
                Dim strFileType As String = "application/octet-stream"

Dim strFileHeader As String = [String].Format("Content-Disposition: file; name=""{0}""; filename=""{1}""", "media", p_strFileName) Dim strFileData As String = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1").GetString(bMovieFile)
                Dim strContents As New StringBuilder()
                With strContents

.AppendLine([String].Format("Content-Type: {0}", strFileType))
.AppendLine([String].Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""{0}""", "token"))
.AppendLine([String].Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""{0}""", "message"))

                End With

Dim bContents() As Byte = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1").GetBytes(strContents.ToString())
                rqUpload.ContentLength = bContents.Length

                Dim rqStreamFile As Stream = rqUpload.GetRequestStream()
                rqStreamFile.Write(bContents, 0, bContents.Length)
Dim rspFileUpload As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(rqUpload.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse) Dim rdrResponse As New StreamReader(rspFileUpload.GetResponseStream())
                Dim strResponse As String = rdrResponse.ReadToEnd()
                Dim xResponse As New XmlDocument
                Dim xnRSP As XmlNode = xResponse.SelectSingleNode("//rsp")
                If xnRSP.Attributes("stat").Value = "ok" Then
                    Upload = xnRSP.SelectSingleNode("//mediaurl").InnerText
                    Upload = strResponse

                End If

            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            Return Upload

        End Function

Calling this function gives me this error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rsp stat="fail">

<err code="1002" msg="No file specified to upload" />

if anybody has any ideas I'd appreciate it (note I've put the file on the front and in the back. Both return the same error).

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