On 02/04/2010 03:33 AM, benguela wrote:
> On this page http://help.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/15364
> it says "1,000 total updates per day, on any and all devices"
> I'm using the twitter4j library on my app.
> Does this mean that I can only call
> http://twitter4j.org/ja/javadoc/twitter4j/Twitter.html#updateStatus(java.lang.String)
> which calls http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update
> 1000 times per day

That limit is per-user.  Your application can call it more than 1000
times per day, so long as it's not all for the same user.  Basically,
users can't have more than 1000 status updates per day, no matter what
apps they use.

- Michael

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