I'd like to have a link on my website that visitors could click that would, if they are logged in to their Twitter account simultaneously, directly add them as followers.
I have attempted to modify a Classic ASP script that did status updates, for this purpose: 'function asp_twitter_update(strMsg,strUser,strPass) strUser=YOURUSERNAME strPass=YOURPASSWORD from_user=TWITTERACCOUNTTOFOLLOW dim oXml,strFlickrUrl strFlickrUrl = "http://twitter.com/friendships/create/" & from_user &".xml?follow=true" set oXml = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") oXml.Open "POST", strFlickrUrl, false, strUser, strPass oXml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form- urlencoded" oXml.Send "follow=true" asp_twitter_update = oXml.responseText If Err.Number = 0 Then If oXml.Status = 200 Then str_GetURL = " You are now following " & from_user Else str_GetURL = "Bad URL" End If Else str_GetURL = Err.Description End If response.write str_GetURL response.write asp_twitter_update Set oXml = nothing 'end function It gives me the message that I'm following the user, but doesn't actually work. Any suggestions? I used the original version to make it so that when someone submits a classified ad to my site, the site's twitter status updates with an announcement about the ad. Very nice. It also logs it in a database.