Thanks Abraham .. a little embarrassing as I’d got it all completely
wrong, anyway thanks for your help.  It all works a treat now.

On Feb 24, 9:32 pm, Abraham Williams <> wrote:
> You are trying to add members to @twitterapi/team which is an account/list
> you don't own.
> If you are adding user_id 94564101 to listb by usera you should 
> use:
> Abraham
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 06:31, YARG <> wrote:
> > Hi, I'm updating a .net lib so it can handle lists.  List creation is
> > OK but when I try and assign a member (an account which I also own) to
> > the newly created list I get the error:
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <hash>
> >  <request>/1/twitterapi/team/members.xml?
> > list_id=7869628&amp;id=94564101</request>
> >  <error>You aren't allowed to add members to this list</error>
> > </hash>
> > I've checked the docs and and I'm pretty sure the Ids are OK.  All
> > I've found is that you can't add a user who has blocked you to a list
> > (the member account that I'm trying to add hasn't blocked me as I own
> > both accounts).
> > Has anyone any ideas?
> > Cheers
> > Steve
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |
> Project | Out Loud |
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