At this time, no. Sorry. In the future, we will reevaluate whether this call should have authentication.

On Mar 11, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Harshad RJ <> wrote:

This is great!

But could authentication be made optional? The original API (user/ show) isn't, and those who want to replace it might need to go through a lot of code changes...

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Raffi Krikorian <> wrote:
hi all.

we launched an endpoint yesterday that allows you to fetch 20 users by user_id or by screen_name at a time -- we call this our "bulk user show" API. for example, to retrieve user objects for user IDs 12863272 , 3191321, 9160152, 8285392 and simultaneously screen names of rsarver and wilhelmbierbaum, put together the following authenticated request,3191321,9160152,8285392&screen_name=rsarver,wilhelmbierbaum

and you will receive an XML array of those six user objects.

you can find more documentation at .


Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Harshad RJ

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