Really excited to be in San Francisco (first time for me there) next
week! Quite a long trip from Paris, but I just couldn't miss such an
occasion to meet you all :)

For those who would be interested, I made a little "Chirp page" on
Twitoaster, threading Attendees' conversations in real time:

See you (very) soon,
Arnaud | @twitoaster |

On Apr 5, 9:04 pm, Doug Williams <> wrote:
> Hi all --
> With only nine days left until Biz's opening speech, Chirp -- Twitter's
> first conference for developers -- is fast approaching! The two day event
> will be in San Francisco on April 14th and 15th. You can image how excited
> we are to have a conversation with everyone from the ecosystem in the same
> room.
> The conference opens at the Palace of Fine Arts from 9AM to 6PM on April
> 14th. The schedule features keynotes from Biz Stone, Ev Williams, Ryan
> Sarver, and Dick Costolo which include announcements and roadmap details.
> On April 14th at 7PM we all move to Fort Mason to start the Hack Day. Here
> is where everyone will have a chance to collaborate, meet other members of
> the ecosystem, and have the entire Twitter team on call to answer questions.
> After an Ignite session at 8PM on the night of the 14th, we'll leave the
> doors to Fort Mason open all night for developers who want to dig into their
> code or conversations. The content on April 15th will pick up at 10AM. The
> day includes breakout talks on technology, best practices, policy, design,
> and more.  Additionally, we're hosting times for developers to meet with
> Twitter's designers, Legal team, Platform team, the EFF and others to get
> their individual questions answered. Even Ev and Biz are hosting an hour so
> everyone can meet the founders. We'll wrap the entire conference with a
> rockin' party later that night!
> We have more space at Fort Mason than the Palace of Fine Arts so last week
> we opened tickets for the Hack Day. There are still $140 Hack Day passes and
> a few full conference tickets left so if you would like to attend please
> head tohttp://chirp.twitter.comand register. We hope to see you there!
> Thanks,
> Doug

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