
A question - what is the line between "user/desktop" apps and "services"?

A few random ideas - not sure if any of these exist or not:

1) An app which uses the new stream services to monitor every tweet by
folks you follow (plus everything else in the streams) and triggers
specific actions on tweets that match some complex set of criteria (so
more than the "search" apis could handle - something like "the tenth
person to tweet a given phrase" or "forward just tweets from folks on
my partners List which mention my product to me immediately" etc (you
can I'm sure come up with many other more complex examples - basically
think advanced return of the long gone TRACK feature - but initially
perhaps limited to just accounts you follow)

What would be, from Twitter's perspective, the difference between if
this app ran on a "desktop" computer vs ran on a server in a data
center somewhere? (is it just that the server probably would run this
same app on behalf of multiple other accounts?)

2) An app which monitors content from multiple different Twitter
accounts (all authenticated via Oauth) and might, for example, route
messages to a single place - useful perhaps if you have multiple
Twitter accounts to handle common mispellings of  your company name or
to represent different divisions of the company etc but want to say
consolidate all @reply messages to any one of your accounts to a
single place - your CRMlike systems for example

Either of these apps could, potentially, run on a desktop computer
with a stable internet connection & work & forward their results to
other computers across the web. Or these could run on a server
somewhere in the cloud. Or they could run on a virtual computer in the
cloud and i don't exactly see how Twitter would differentiate those
cases (other than say if the same IP address was servicing lots of
accounts - but I can see desktop client needs to handle more than one
account at the same time)


(sorry I'm not at Chirp missed the registration deadline for the
hackday tonight)
cell: 1.510.333.0295
Twitter - rycaut
Pearltrees -
Blogs: Slow Brand -
Searching for the Moon -

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:22 PM, John Kalucki <> wrote:
> Dewalt,
> We can't do everything at once. We can't release everything at once. We have
> to pick the biggest return features, then let the features trickle down
> where possible. Everything in user streams can be applied to service streams
> in good time, but there are privacy issues and some tricky scale issue to be
> sorted out before we can do service integrations on much of this data.
> This feature couldn't have saved you any effort -- it hasn't even been
> released yet. We're in a preview period way way out in front of launch. This
> was clear in my doc. We're giving you long range guidance.
> Seriously.
> -John Kalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
>> From John's announcement:
>> "User streams permissions are not tuned for service-to-service
>> integration, rather they are tuned for end-user-display applications."
>> Needless to say, it is a big disappointment that the user streams API
>> is not available for services, but only for desktop apps.
>> I could have saved me (and others) much processing, and eliminated a
>> lot of delays, in certain aspects of the services that we provide to
>> users.
>> --
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