hi ron.

i'm just seeing you respond to every message in this thread lambasting
oauth, so i figured it may be time to say something.  i suggest you read up
on the history of oauth?  there are two reasons, that i care about, that
oauth is important:

   1. *minimizing the exposure of user's usernames and passwords*: in the
   base case, no - i don't trust random applications to have access to user's
   passwords.  this is similar to the argument i made in this blog post:
   http://mehack.com/xauth-and-perhaps-the-need-for-socializing-ap.  there
   are a few applications i trust "more" than i trust other apps: mail.app on
   my mac, for example, safari and chrome, for example.  sure, its possible to
   attack those applications -- but, i believe, the probability of somebody
   managing an attack on those applications is significantly greater than the
   probability of an application, malicious or not, exposing a password.  the
   password could be exposed for malicious means, or simply a bug.  mail.app,
   safari, chrome, etc. have massive corporations who are very much
   incentivized to patch/update them if there is a security problem.
    random-twitter-app?  not so much.  (a different argument on this theme,
   however, is whether users care about this)
   2. *providing differing levels of access*:  twitter implements read and
   read/write as access profiles on applications.  it is possible to give an
   application only "read" access to your account, which means that it cannot
   post a status update -- only read your timeline and such.  this is not
   possible in a world where you are handing out your password.  if a user's
   password is giving to a third party application, then all the permissions of
   a user is exposed.

sure - i also have interests regarding "visibility" into the platform (if an
application has a bug, we can trivially figure out which application it is;
if a user is curious "which app is reading my DMs" we will be able to tell
them, etc.).  but i also really do care about the security of users.

Some of you talk about an "app" as if it were a person.  Sure, apps
> could be malicious, but that includes every app on your computer -
> doesn't it?  Why should you assume some of the apps handling your
> credentials can be more trustworthy than others?  Any app that is on
> your computer while you type your username/password can potentially
> obtain that information.  And what about the app at the far end of the
> Internet that may be "pretending" to be Twitter's authorization page?
> Frankly, I think the whole argument about "malicious apps" is a little
> over the top for an OAuth discussion.
> Why would you believe that "basic auth developers are required to
> store passwords in plain-text..."?  I'm a basic auth developer, and I
> have always stored username/passwords encrypted in a access protected
> keychain file.  I do not know of a single developer of any platform
> that would be so irresponsible as to store username/passwords in plain
> text - well until now.  :)
> Twitter's only interest in OAuth (like any other platform provider) is
> to control access to their platform at an application level, and to
> allow other platform providers access to their users' data.  This
> altruistic nonsense about Twitter being more interested in your
> personal password protection than your bank, your online stock trading
> company, or the IRS, is just that - nonsense.
> There's nothing wrong with Twitter's decision to implement OAuth.  I
> makes perfect sense.  I'd do it, if I were in their shoes.  Why are so
> many of you rushing to their defense with these manufactured
> alternative reasons for why they are implementing it?
> On Apr 27, 5:52 am, glenn gillen <gl...@rubypond.com> wrote:
> > > Anytime you enter your credentials, regardless of where, you open
> > > yourself to being snooped.  I believe that is far less likely when
> > > communicating with YOUR app on YOUR computer, than it is via a browser
> > > over the open Internet to a 3rd party that may or may not be who you
> > > think it is...
> >
> > Supporting this option though Twitter is dependent on the security
> > procedures of every 3rd party to maintain the integrity of an account.
> > WithOAuthat least should an individual 3rd party have their security
> > breached then access to just that 3rd party can be terminated.
> >
> > Also with basic auth developers are required to store passwords in
> > plain-text (or at least in some retrievable form) and as someone else
> > has already pointed out with the propensity for users to use the same
> > password on many services this exposes them to undue risk from a
> > breach of a 3rd party or via a malicious developer.
> >
> > I'd sleep much easier at night if I didn't know anybody else's
> > password, I'm sure the Twitter team would prefer if only a user knew
> > their own password too.
> > --
> > Glennhttp://glenngillen.com/
> >
> > --
> > Subscription settings:
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/subscribe?hl=en

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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