I think I never sent my answer. If I did, please ignore this or I'll delete it myself.
Anyway, here's a summary of what I'm doing. - I am using HTTP headers and POST. - I am a bit confused about SSL. If all I have to do to use SSL is use https instead of http, then I'm good. Here's my post Body: HTTPBody: x_auth_mode=client_auth&x_auth_username=olivaresf&x_auth_password=edited For now, the password doesn't have any non-url safe characters. I'll be sure to check encoding in case there needs to be. Here's my HTTP Headers HTTP Header Fields:{ Authorization = "OAuth realm=\"\", oauth_consumer_key=\"key\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_signature= \"fXz8BNFXbesfsSSE5TKfAyNoRYg%3D\", oauth_timestamp=\"1272590525\", oauth_nonce=\"CF34FD8C-ADF6-4A2E-BBE9-8650A8ACF96D\", oauth_version= \"1.0\""; "X-Twitter-Client" = "App"; "X-Twitter-Client-Url" = "http://theapp.com"; "X-Twitter-Client-Version" = "0.1"; } Also, here's the link I'm using: https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token I have no idea what you meant by content-type. Maybe it's that? Any idea where I went wrong? Anyway, thanks for the help.