We'll get this fixed up on the dev portal. Thanks for pointing it out.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Georgios <kapero...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had the same issues. The descriptions on the Twitter API Wiki
> (http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-favorites
> %C2%A0create) and on the new Twitter DEV portal (http://
> dev.twitter.com/doc/post/favorites/create) are contradicting each
> other.
> The correct one is the one on the Wiki. The one described on the DEV
> portal, as you said, comes back with an error message if you use POST
> (and asks for GET). When you use GET it comes back with a "not
> authorized" error.
> Cheers
> Georgios
> On May 2, 9:22 am, taketo1o24 <taketo1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello, I have a question about the favorites/create method.
> >
> > Here:http://dev.twitter.com/doc/post/favorites/create, it says that
> > this method support POST,
> > but I get HTTP status: 400 with the error message: "This method
> > requires a GET."
> >
> > I tried accessinghttp://.../favorites/create?id=[status_id] with the
> > POST data, but still got the same error.
> > Then I triedhttp://.../favorites/create/[status_id].xml, then the
> > request was normally accepted.
> >
> > Is this the correct way to use this method? ( ... I don't think it
> > should be)

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