Cool... I added OAuth support and switched to the betastream but no OAuth
yet enabled there so I probably beat the roll out (getting 401s on
betastream but token works on so I'm assuming its not up yet
:-) ). I'm holding off fixing it to support hydrated items until I see it
working though but it may be a useful start at least for testing.


usage: earlybird.rb -c consumer_token -s consumer_secret -a access_token -S
access_secret [-d] [-f] [-t key,words] [-u url] [-h host]
  -c   --consumer_token   consumer token
  -s   --consumer_secret  consumer secret
  -a   --access_token     access token
  -S   --access_secret    access secret
  -r                      show in reply too (takes a lot of API requests)
  -d                      debug mode, read json from stdin
  -f                      filter out @replies from users you don't follow
  -g                      growl notifications for new tweets
  -t                      track keywords separated by commas.
  -u                      userstream path. Default: /2b/user.json
  -h                      userstream hostname: Default:

Zac Bowling

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Mark McBride <> wrote:

> Then by all means, hack away!
>   ---Mark
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Zac Bowling <> wrote:
> > I was going to tackle it if no body else did :-)
> > Already started working on a fork my self:
> >
> > Zac Bowling
> >
> >
> > On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Mark McBride <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I can hack that together.
> >>
> >>   ---Mark
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Zac Bowling <> wrote:
> >> > Who is updating earlybird? :-P
> >> > Zac Bowling
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Mark McBride <>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> The hydrated social events (as described in the previous email) are
> >> >> now live.  Please let me know if you have questions/issues/concerns
> >> >> with the new data
> >> >>
> >> >>   ---Mark
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Mark McBride <>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > Userstream previewers:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Coming soon there will be a number of changes that may impact
> >> >> > applications.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > The first is support for OAuth 1.0a.  When rolled out, you will be
> >> >> > able to sign requests to all streaming API endpoints on
> >> >> >  This means that you can use OAuth with
> both
> >> >> > user streams and other streaming calls (filter, sample, etc.)  To
> >> >> > obtain access tokens use the regular OAuth flow, then
> >> >> > sign
> >> >> > requests to  If you already have an access
> >> >> > token you should be able to use it with the streaming API.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > The second is inclusion of fully hydrated objects for the social
> >> >> > events.  Instead of just getting a source id, target id, and target
> >> >> > object id you will get the full user object in source and target
> >> >> > fields, and the full status in the target object field (if
> >> >> > applicable).  You will also get a "created_at" field that indicates
> >> >> > the time the social event was created. This should dramatically
> >> >> > reduce
> >> >> > the number of REST API calls needed to build a client.  Note that
> >> >> > most
> >> >> > parsers shouldn't need to change -- the ID field will still be set,
> >> >> > you will just have more fields available. The format is the same as
> >> >> > statuses retrieved via the rest API, with following exceptions:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > 1) The user's latest status may not be included
> >> >> > 2) The user's status count may not be included
> >> >> > 3) The user's favorites count may not be included
> >> >> >
> >> >> > An example of a hydrated social event is
> >> >> >
> >> >> > {"created_at"=>"Mon May 03 17:42:55 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >  "target_object"=>
> >> >> >  {"coordinates"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "truncated"=>false,
> >> >> >   "created_at"=>"Sun Jun 28 23:10:35 +0000 2009",
> >> >> >   "favorited"=>false,
> >> >> >   "contributors"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "text"=>"looking at cricket eyes!",
> >> >> >   "id"=>4,
> >> >> >   "geo"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "in_reply_to_user_id"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "source"=>"web",
> >> >> >   "place"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "user"=>
> >> >> >    {"profile_background_tile"=>false,
> >> >> >     "name"=>"Ray",
> >> >> >     "profile_sidebar_border_color"=>"87bc44",
> >> >> >     "profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"e0ff92",
> >> >> >     "location"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "created_at"=>"Mon Apr 12 00:00:00 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >     "profile_image_url"=>"/images/default_profile_4_normal.png",
> >> >> >     "profile_link_color"=>"0000ff",
> >> >> >     "contributors_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >     "url"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "favourites_count"=>1,
> >> >> >     "id"=>4,
> >> >> >     "utc_offset"=>-21600,
> >> >> >     "profile_text_color"=>"000000",
> >> >> >     "protected"=>true,
> >> >> >     "lang"=>"en",
> >> >> >     "followers_count"=>3,
> >> >> >     "notifications"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "verified"=>false,
> >> >> >     "description"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "profile_background_color"=>"9ae4e8",
> >> >> >     "geo_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >     "time_zone"=>"Saskatchewan",
> >> >> >     "profile_background_image_url"=>"/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
> >> >> >     "statuses_count"=>1,
> >> >> >     "friends_count"=>3,
> >> >> >     "screen_name"=>"ray",
> >> >> >     "following"=>nil},
> >> >> >   "in_reply_to_screen_name"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "in_reply_to_status_id"=>nil},
> >> >> >  "event"=>"favorite",
> >> >> >  "target"=>
> >> >> >  {"profile_background_tile"=>false,
> >> >> >   "name"=>"Ray",
> >> >> >   "profile_sidebar_border_color"=>"87bc44",
> >> >> >   "profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"e0ff92",
> >> >> >   "location"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "created_at"=>"Mon Apr 12 00:00:00 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >   "profile_image_url"=>"/images/default_profile_4_normal.png",
> >> >> >   "profile_link_color"=>"0000ff",
> >> >> >   "contributors_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >   "url"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "favourites_count"=>1,
> >> >> >   "id"=>4,
> >> >> >   "utc_offset"=>-21600,
> >> >> >   "profile_text_color"=>"000000",
> >> >> >   "protected"=>true,
> >> >> >   "lang"=>"en",
> >> >> >   "followers_count"=>3,
> >> >> >   "notifications"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "verified"=>false,
> >> >> >   "description"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "profile_background_color"=>"9ae4e8",
> >> >> >   "geo_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >   "time_zone"=>"Saskatchewan",
> >> >> >   "profile_background_image_url"=>"/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
> >> >> >   "statuses_count"=>1,
> >> >> >   "friends_count"=>3,
> >> >> >   "screen_name"=>"ray",
> >> >> >   "following"=>nil},
> >> >> >  "source"=>
> >> >> >  {"profile_background_tile"=>false,
> >> >> >   "name"=>"Jack",
> >> >> >   "profile_sidebar_border_color"=>"87bc44",
> >> >> >   "profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"e0ff92",
> >> >> >   "location"=>"San Francisco",
> >> >> >   "created_at"=>"Wed Apr 28 00:00:00 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >   "profile_image_url"=>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >  "
> ",
> >> >> >   "profile_link_color"=>"0000ff",
> >> >> >   "contributors_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >   "url"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "favourites_count"=>0,
> >> >> >   "id"=>3,
> >> >> >   "utc_offset"=>-28800,
> >> >> >   "profile_text_color"=>"000000",
> >> >> >   "protected"=>true,
> >> >> >   "lang"=>"en",
> >> >> >   "followers_count"=>2,
> >> >> >   "notifications"=>nil,
> >> >> >   "verified"=>false,
> >> >> >   "description"=>"love, love",
> >> >> >   "profile_background_color"=>"9ae4e8",
> >> >> >   "geo_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >   "time_zone"=>"Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
> >> >> >   "profile_background_image_url"=>"/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
> >> >> >   "statuses_count"=>1,
> >> >> >   "friends_count"=>2,
> >> >> >   "screen_name"=>"jack",
> >> >> >   "following"=>nil}}
> >> >> >
> >> >> > The third is an improvement to the direct message payload.
>  Currently
> >> >> > it's a bit of a pain to disambiguate statuses and DMs.  We'll be
> >> >> > wrapping direct messages in a higher level "direct_message" object,
> >> >> > e.g.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > {"direct_message"=>
> >> >> >  {"created_at"=>"Wed Apr 28 14:56:31 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >   "sender_screen_name"=>"user1",
> >> >> >   "sender"=>
> >> >> >    {"profile_background_tile"=>false,
> >> >> >     "name"=>"User1",
> >> >> >     "profile_sidebar_border_color"=>"87bc44",
> >> >> >     "profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"e0ff92",
> >> >> >     "location"=>"San Francisco",
> >> >> >     "created_at"=>"Wed Apr 28 00:00:00 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >     "profile_image_url"=>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >  "
> ",
> >> >> >     "profile_link_color"=>"0000ff",
> >> >> >     "contributors_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >     "url"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "favourites_count"=>0,
> >> >> >     "id"=>3,
> >> >> >     "utc_offset"=>-28800,
> >> >> >     "profile_text_color"=>"000000",
> >> >> >     "protected"=>true,
> >> >> >     "lang"=>"en",
> >> >> >     "followers_count"=>2,
> >> >> >     "notifications"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "verified"=>false,
> >> >> >     "description"=>"love, love",
> >> >> >     "profile_background_color"=>"9ae4e8",
> >> >> >     "geo_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >     "time_zone"=>"Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
> >> >> >     "profile_background_image_url"=>"/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
> >> >> >     "statuses_count"=>1,
> >> >> >     "friends_count"=>2,
> >> >> >     "screen_name"=>"user1",
> >> >> >     "following"=>nil},
> >> >> >   "text"=>"holy calamity scream insanity",
> >> >> >   "recipient_screen_name"=>"user2",
> >> >> >   "id"=>1,
> >> >> >   "recipient"=>
> >> >> >    {"profile_background_tile"=>false,
> >> >> >     "name"=>"User2",
> >> >> >     "profile_sidebar_border_color"=>"87bc44",
> >> >> >     "profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"e0ff92",
> >> >> >     "location"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "created_at"=>"Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 +0000 2010",
> >> >> >     "profile_image_url"=>"/images/default_profile_5_normal.png",
> >> >> >     "profile_link_color"=>"0000ff",
> >> >> >     "contributors_enabled"=>true,
> >> >> >     "url"=>"";,
> >> >> >     "favourites_count"=>0,
> >> >> >     "id"=>5,
> >> >> >     "utc_offset"=>19800,
> >> >> >     "profile_text_color"=>"000000",
> >> >> >     "protected"=>true,
> >> >> >     "lang"=>"en",
> >> >> >     "followers_count"=>4,
> >> >> >     "notifications"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "verified"=>false,
> >> >> >     "description"=>nil,
> >> >> >     "profile_background_color"=>"9ae4e8",
> >> >> >     "geo_enabled"=>false,
> >> >> >     "time_zone"=>"Mumbai",
> >> >> >     "profile_background_image_url"=>"/images/themes/theme1/bg.png",
> >> >> >     "statuses_count"=>7,
> >> >> >     "friends_count"=>4,
> >> >> >     "screen_name"=>"user2",
> >> >> >     "following"=>nil},
> >> >> >   "recipient_id"=>5,
> >> >> >   "sender_id"=>3}}
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Given this structure, all messages are easily disambiguated by
> >> >> > looking
> >> >> > at the first level of keys in the JSON message
> >> >> >
> >> >> > 1) If the key "text" exists, this is a status
> >> >> > 2) If the key "delete" exists, this is a status deletion
> >> >> > 3) If the key "scrub_geo" exists, this is a geo-tagging deletion
> >> >> > message
> >> >> > 4) If the key "direct_message" exists, this is a direct message
> >> >> > 5) If the key "event" exists, this is a social event
> >> >> >
> >> >> > We realize that email isn't the best way to keep this documented in
> >> >> > the long term, and we're working on getting this information onto
> >> >> >  We'll send out additional notices as these
> become
> >> >> > available, but we wanted to let you know these changes were coming.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >   ---Mark
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >
> >

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