Hi Seshu,

The Search API doesn't use authentication right now. Much of Google App
Engine's traffic comes to Twitter from the same IP address, such that other
developers running applications on Google AppEngine might be using the limit
up before your requests go out.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 4:32 AM, seshu <suresh.kal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Twitter api supports maximum of 150 requests per hour for an
> unauthenticated request from an ip.
> So when i hosted it on GAE i was getting response code as 420.
> Does basic authentication for the search api work? I can see we are
> passing null for auth in Twitter.java.
> I tried passing auth also.(I created an extra method). After creating
> an authenticated instance of Twitter from Factory class by passing
> userId/password.
> But still seems it was not working as i was getting 420 status for
> GAE. But was working fine locally.
> Any workarounds for this? Or are there any gaps in my understandings?
> Best Regards,
> Suresh

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