I'm Jonathan Sachs, and I'm working with a company named Kachingle
(http://www.kachingle.com) that's building a new type of service for
letting users give financial support to the web sites they visit. We
want to use Twitter to keep our member sites and users aware of each
others' activities.

I've spent about half of my career doing programming, and the other
half doing technical writing. (I'm a big believer in documentation,
and in software design for usability.) I'currently do most of my
programming in PHP, with a little Javascript thrown in. My past
activities have encompassed Java, C++, C, Visual Basic for
Applications, FORTH, PL/I, FORTRAN IV, SNOBOL3, and IBM Basic Assembly
Language. Among other things.

I'm currently wrestling with the latest (I think) version of Abraham's
implementation of the API, trying to make it do the things that an
older version did.

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