Item closed. Twitter now returns 403 when re-sending the same message,
which is what the referenced demo program does.

On May 15, 12:56 pm, neptune2000 <> wrote:
> I have been using the xAuth code by Aral Balkan for my iPhone apps:
> The code had been working fine for a couple of months both getting
> token and posting tweets. I rerun the code today, and all of a sudden
> while getting the token still work, posting a tweet always returns a
> 403:
> Twitter request failed: 18C9AA7E-05BF-408D-A8CE-7480A2FAD4CB with
> error:Error Domain=HTTP Code=403 “Operation could not be completed.
> (HTTP error 403.)”
> Has something changed on Twitter's end regarding the xAuth protocol
> since March 11, which is when Aral Balkan's code was last modified?
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> -- neptune2000

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