On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:17:34 pm Ken wrote:
> I have an issue with the text itself.
> "You can give applications permission to tell Twitter where you are
> when you send a Tweet" implies that the geodata refers to the user's
> actual location. People are - rightly or wrongly - worried about this,
> and many do not activate geolocation. Our simple app allows users to
> locate coordinates on a map and tweet "from" there, associating geo-
> metadata with the subject of their tweet. I wish Twitter would
> reconsider the uses of geo and adapt the settings, workflow and text
> accordingly, especially since the takeup for "current location"
> tweeting does not seem to be all that great.
> And Stephen - device-based "current location" geotweeting mainly works
> in a few English-speaking countries...
> On May 7, 11:50 am, Stephen Rife <stephenr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This is great.  Would be really nice if this displayed in the user's
> > account language setting.
> > 
> > - Steve
> > @melobubu
> > 
> > On 4月30日, 午前6:23, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >https://twitter.com/account/geo
> > >
> > > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 14:17, Ken <k...@cimas.ch> wrote:
> > > > > there
> > > > > is also a mobile optimized page with just that checkbox on
> > > > > twitter.comthat you could use too.
> > > > 
> > > > could be useful.. what's the URL?
> > > > 
> > > > thanks
> > > > 
> > > > Ken
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> > > @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> > > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

I'm still testing some of this on my Android, but I've discovered that the 
available clients differ widely in how they tag tweets when location is fully 
enabled. I've had to delete tweets that I made from the Android because they 
had my street address embedded in them.

Watch this space, as they say ... ;-)
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
http://borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/ @znmeb

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdős

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