I've been asking Twitter to review the crossdomain.xml situation for
months. You can find old threads on the issue by searching this forum.
@raffi has said he elevated the issue to the security team for review.
I'm sure they've been mulling it over day-and-night :)

In the meantime you will indeed need to use a proxy, and there are
lots of examples out there for creating PHP proxies. Here is one to
get you started:

You'll have to extend that a bit if you want to pass parameters from
Flex to your proxy and then on to Twitter.

On May 18, 8:09 am, AndyCatch <andrew.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello there,
> My name is Andy, and I'm a Flash Developer. I have been using the
> Tweetr/SwfJunkie library, and recently when I updated/uploaded my site
> recently, I got:
>  "Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file 
> fromhttp://twitter.com/crossdomain.xml.
> The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy
> files. Seehttp://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_filesfor details."
> Now, having done a little research I found this thread from 2008:
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
> In which a talented Flash Dev named Kris Temmerman mentions using a
> server side php script on your own domain to connect to the api. He
> also mentions "a nice php class in the docs".
> a) Can anyone point me to any tutorials/resources that will help me
> create such a script? I've googled proxy php, data php, server side
> script and many more but I can't even tell if it's the right thing to
> be looking at.
> b) Long shot, but these "docs" that Mr Temmerman mentions...where
> might they be?
> As far as I can tell, though I'm no expert, the problem is stemming
> from the Twitter Cross Domain policy. Have there been any resolutions
> that anyone knows of? I've done a lot of digging, but can't really
> find anything more than a few bug logs, and old forum threads.
> Any help/advice would be very much appreciated.
> Kind Regards,
> / Andy

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