Thanks for the response, Taylor. I do appreciate it.

There is some irony in the fact that I have to inject some superfluous
drivel into a perfectly legitimate non-duplicate tweet to appease the
Twitter spam filters - more collateral damage hitting innocent,
legitimate users - very indicative of the state of the Twitterverse.

Thanks again.

On May 26, 9:39 am, Taylor Singletary <>
> We're always working to improve our duplicate tweet detection
> routines, and as such there's no hard equation you can follow for
> issuing duplicate tweets reliably. I'm a big advocate for expressing
> these kind of limits in a way you can interpret programatically but in
> this case the target is moving. By indicating the time window when a
> duplicate of the recently submitted tweet could be resubmitted, we
> would be opening an abuse vector.
> Including something unique in the string might be your best bet to get
> around this.
> On May 22, 11:19 pm, Mr Blog <> wrote:
> > My GaragebBot tweets when doors are opened or 
> > closed:
> > The tweets are of the form:
> > tweet 1: Door 2 opened
> > tweet 2: Door 2 closed manually
> > tweet 3: Door 1 opened
> > tweet 4: Door 2 opened
> > tweet 5: Door 2 closed automatically
> > tweet 6: Door 1 closed manually
> > The behavior up until a few days ago was duplicates were defined as
> > tweet N+1 being identical to the prior tweet N, but now there appears
> > to be some kind of cache where "tweet 4" above fails with a "403
> > duplicate tweet" error even though it is not a duplicate of the most
> > recent tweet (but is the same message as tweet 1, but a different in
> > time, so thus meaningful).
> > In this case, the garage only tweets about 6 different messages and it
> > has been doing so for several years, with great success, but now
> > almost all tweets are being rejected as duplicates.
> > I could change it to put some random garbage at the end of each new
> > tweet, but that doesn't seem very elegant.

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