Hey Matt,

Any chance there will be a video cast of the event. Would love to
attend, but in St. Louis :)



On May 26, 2:36 pm, themattharris <thematthar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> This week the Twitter Engineering team announced they are running an
> annotation Hackfest. The event will be this weekend (29-30 May) at
> Twitter HQ (795 Folsom St. San Francisco) and is free to attend.
> Places are limited so if you want to attend sign up today!
> If you are in the Bay Area this is a great opportunity to hack with
> Annotations and meet other Twitter developers. I'll be around for the
> event so if you want to share ideas and experiences with using the
> APIs, or just want to have a chat, come and say hi.
> More details and the signup form are on the Engineering team 
> blog:http://engineering.twitter.com/2010/05/annotations-hackfest.html
> Best,
> Matt

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