With the clock ticking on Basic Authpocalypse (T-30 days and
counting), what is the state of media hosting providers with regards
to OAuth Echo compliance?  Those of us developing mobile client apps
need about two weeks to get our revised apps through the relevant
approval processes, so we're down to about two weeks left before
needing to submit something or risk our apps not working anymore.

I have successfully tested with TwitPic and yFrog, but both seem to
have lost Upload & Post functionality when moving to OAuth Echo.
Img.ly said they're still working on their implementation.  Posterous
is still a ?

Can anyone share a list of providers ready to begin testing their new
OAuth Echo functionality, along with a heads-up about any lost
functionality resulting from the move?  It's becoming increasingly
important to find out who's going to be on the playing field with what
functionality so we can revise our apps accordingly in advance of the
approaching deadline.

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