Thanks for letting us know about this. You can follow the progress of
this on the issues log [1].
We'll get onto the problem and have it resolved soon.


On May 27, 9:37 am, Steven <> wrote:
> I have noticed a change with regards to the trends resource.
> for reference please check the following URLs
> 1)
> 2)
> 3)
> Currently, for me trends/current.json is returning the
> same pure JSON payload regardless of the callback parameter.  This is
> new behavior that has changed since I last used this resource.
> What I would expect, and is not the case, is that URL #2 with the
> callback parameter specified would return JSON wrapped in a function
> call, similar to how URL #3 behaves.
> Has anyone else noticed this?  I have confirmed it myself with more
> than one location.
> Is this on purpose?  Was a bug rolled out to production in a release?
> Am I missing the obvious. Please help.
> Thank you very much.

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