People use Twitter differently. Duplicate prevention is mainly a
protection for standard user use cases and spam protection. There is
value in programmatic use of Twitter that is outside of typical user
experiences, and there are corner cases where duplicate tweets can be
useful.  I'm not here to tell you how to use Twitter.

On Thursday, June 3, 2010, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
> Taylor,
> I don't understand. Why would Twitter on the one hand do duplicate
> checking and on the other hand advise people to add some kind of
> unique string to the tweet to circumvent the duplicate checking?
> You're basically saying it's okay for an application to automatically
> add a randomly generated string of nonsense to each tweet, to ensure
> it is unique and will thwart Twitter's duplication content prevention
> measures.
> Isn't that a perfect exercise in self-defeat, or what the military
> folks call "chickenshit"?
> On Jun 3, 12:49 pm, Taylor Singletary <>
> wrote:
>> We tune the duplicate tweet detection algorithm regularly, so it's difficult
>> to say with any hard rules at what point a tweet will be considered a
>> duplicate -- it's not necessarily time-based and more tuned toward the
>> contents of the last few tweets issued by the user account. If you're use
>> case is such that you'd be issuing the same tweet multiple times, you might
>> want to provide some kind of unique string to each tweet, or otherwise
>> insure that the tweet is not a duplicate.
>> Taylor Singletary
>> Developer Advocate, Twitter
>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:10 AM, kimtree <> wrote:
>> >  I have no idea to understand condition of "status is duplicated".
>> >  "status is duplicated" condition is update same tweet in few minutes?
>> > or a day?
>> >  I want to know exact condition.  Have any Ideas?

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

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