I just looked at your code briefly, but I believe the problem is this

oauth_request = TwitpicOAuthRequest(http_method="POST",

The OAuth Request needs to be signed using the Twitter Endpoint
(https://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.json), not the
Twitpic API URL.

Try something like this:

oauth_request = TwitpicOAuthRequest(http_method="GET",

On Jun 3, 2:38 pm, yml <yann.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would greatly appreciate any help.
> Here it is the latest evolution of this piece of code :
> """
> class TwitpicOAuthRequest(OAuthRequest):
>     def to_header(self, realm='http://api.twitter.com/'):
>         headers = super(TwitpicOAuthRequest,
> self).to_header(realm=realm)
>         return {'X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization':
> headers['Authorization']}
> def post_photo(request):
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         form = PhotoForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
>         if not request.session.get('twitter_access_token'):
>             return HttpResponse("Not authenticated")
>         if form.is_valid():
>             access_token = request.session['twitter_access_token']
>             params = {
>                 'oauth_consumer_key': settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
>                 'oauth_signature_method':"HMAC-SHA1",
>                 'oauth_token':access_token.key,
>                 'oauth_timestamp':oauth.generate_timestamp(),
>                 'oauth_nonce':oauth.generate_nonce(),
>                 'oauth_version':'1.0'
>             }
>             consumer =
> oauth.OAuthConsumer(key=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
> secret=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET)
>             token = oauth.OAuthToken(key=access_token.key,
>                                      secret=access_token.secret)
>             oauth_request = TwitpicOAuthRequest(http_method="GET",
> #http_url=settings.TWITPIC_API_URL,
>                                           parameters=params)
> signature=oauth_request.sign_request(OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(),
> consumer,
>                                     access_token)
>             headers = oauth_request.to_header()
>             headers['X-Auth-Service-Provider'] =
>             #with multipart_encode
>             values = [
>                 MultipartParam('key',value=settings.TWITPIC_API_KEY),
> MultipartParam('message',value=form.cleaned_data['message']),
>                 MultipartParam('media',
>                                filename='copine_moi.jpg',
>                                filetype='image/jpeg',
>                                fileobj=open("/home/yml/Desktop/
> copine_moi.jpg","rb"))
>             ]
>             register_openers()
>             datagen, heads = multipart_encode(values)
>             headers.update(heads)
>             req = urllib2.Request(settings.TWITPIC_API_URL, datagen,
> headers)
>             # Post to netcat -l -p 9000
>             #req = urllib2.Request("";, datagen,
> headers)
>             #with urlencode
>             #values = {}
>             #values['key'] = MultipartParam(settings.TWITPIC_API_KEY)
>             #values['message'] =
> MultipartParam(form.cleaned_data['message'])
>             #values['media'] = open("/home/yml/Desktop/
> copine_moi.jpg", "rb").read()
>             #data = urllib.urlencode(values)
>             #req = urllib2.Request(settings.TWITPIC_API_URL, data,
> headers)
>             response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
>             return HttpResponse("the photo is posted")
>     else:
>         form = PhotoForm(initial={"created_at":datetime.now()})
>     return render_to_response("twitter_integration/photo_form.html",
>                               {"form":form,},
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> """
> On Jun 3, 11:20 am, yml <yann.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am in the process of writing a python web app that should enable the
> > user to post picture to twitpic using the Oauth Echo authorization
> > mechanism.
> > The application is already able to post tweet using the Oauth
> > authentication so the access_token is available to us in the session.
> > So my question to you guys is that it would be great if someone could
> > point what is the issue in the code below or paste some sample code
> > that upload a picture in python to twitpic.
> > """"
> > # OauthRequest is from the python-oauth lib
> > # I overide the to_header method to return a dict with the right key.
> > class TwitpicOAuthRequest(OAuthRequest):
> >     def to_header(self, realm='http://api.twitter.com/'):
> >         headers = super(TwitpicOAuthRequest,
> > self).to_header(realm=realm)
> >         return {'X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization':
> > headers['Authorization']}
> > def post_photo(request):
> >     if request.method == 'POST':
> >         form = PhotoForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
> >         if not request.session.get('twitter_access_token'):
> >             return HttpResponse("Not authenticated")
> >         if form.is_valid():
> >             access_token = request.session['twitter_access_token']
> >             params = {
> >                 'oauth_consumer_key': settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
> >                 'oauth_signature_method':"HMAC-SHA1",
> >                 'oauth_token':access_token.key,
> >                 'oauth_timestamp':oauth.generate_timestamp(),
> >                 'oauth_nonce':oauth.generate_nonce(),
> >                 'oauth_version':'1.0'
> >             }
> >             consumer =
> > oauth.OAuthConsumer(key=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
> > secret=settings.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET)
> >             token = oauth.OAuthToken(key=access_token.key,
> >                                      secret=access_token.secret)
> >             oauth_request = TwitpicOAuthRequest(http_method="POST",
> > http_url=settings.TWITPIC_API_URL,
> >                                           parameters=params)
> > signature=oauth_request.build_signature(OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(),
> > consumer,
> >                                     access_token)
> >             headers = oauth_request.to_header()
> >             headers['X-Auth-Service-Provider'] = 'https://
> > api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.json'
> >             headers['X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization'] += ',
> > oauth_signature="%s"' %signature
> >             values = {}
> >             values['key'] = settings.TWITPIC_API_KEY
> >             values['message'] = form.cleaned_data['message']
> >             # the path to the file is hardcoded here in the future it
> > will be taken from the from
> >             values['media'] = open("/home/yml/Desktop/copine_moi.jpg",
> > "rb")
> >             register_openers()
> >             datagen, heads = multipart_encode(values)
> >             headers.update(heads)
> >             req = urllib2.Request(settings.TWITPIC_API_URL, datagen,
> > headers)
> >             response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
> >             return HttpResponse("the photo is posted")
> >     else:
> >         form = PhotoForm(initial={"created_at":datetime.now()})
> >     return render_to_response("twitter_integration/photo_form.html",
> >                               {"form":form,},
> > context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> > """"

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