I was basing my statement on the blog post, which indicated that at least
some "display URLs" will be truncated:




"A really long link such as
3048 might be wrapped as http://t.co/DRo0trj for display on SMS, but it
could be displayed to web or application users as amazon.com/Delivering-."


Will the application be doing the truncation from the full URL to the
truncated one ("amazon.com/Delivering-"), or will the API?


And, if the application really will get the full destination URL, then it is
even more ridiculous to prevent them (through the ToS) from using it to
improve the user's privacy, don't you think?







Right now, Twitter can see all the links that users *post*, but they don't
see which links users *click*.

In order to implement this feature, Twitter has already built the framework
that does all the hard work that applications need to protect users' privacy
against (link-shortener) click-tracking. Twitter will be withholding that
final URL from applications, preventing us (through the ToS) from
implementing our own anti-click-tracking privacy measures. If, instead, they
gave the final URL to the application and let the application use that URL,
then applications could implement anti-click-tracking privacy measures with
an even greater degree of privacy than they could by using a third-party


hey brian - just wanted to point out - the "Twitter will be withholding that
final URL from applications" is NOT true at all.  we are providing, as part
of the "entities" the original URL back to the developers.  stated another
way - we are giving all the data back and we are not withholding the data.


Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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