I hope somebody could help me with my problem regarding the Twitter

If I use $oauth->get('statuses/followers'); I get the first 100
followers. If I use $oauth->get('statuses/followers', array('cursor'
=> $cursor)); I have to use this code:

$cursor = -1;
$followers = $oauth->get('statuses/followers', array('cursor' =>
$totaal = count($followers);

while ($totaal > 1) {
for($x=0; $x<$totaal; $x++)     {
    if(preg_match("/^".date('D M d')." 0([3-9]{1}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]
{2}) \+([0-9]{4}) ".date('Y')."/",$followers[$x]->status->created_at)
|| $followers[$x]->protected) {


$followers = $oauth->get('statuses/followers', array('cursor' =>
$totaal = count($followers);


But that seems not to get working. And without the cursor idea, I get
only the first 100 followers. Is there a easy solution for this?

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