On Jun 13, 5:07 pm, pythonista <sitecontac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok Thanks for the heads up, Hwee-Boon.
> On Jun 13, 1:37 am, Hwee-Boon Yar <hweeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Seehttp://code.google.com/p/oauth-python-twitter/source/browse/trunk/oau...
> > y?r=6 which extends python-twitter to include OAuth calls. I added a
> > method at a fork athttp://github.com/hboon/oauthtwitter/toinclude
> > the XAuth token exchange call.

I am working on integrating Hwee-Boon's fork back into the trunk of
python-twitter and should have it pushed to the repository early this
week.  Pending tests (and Twitter not changing things) I should be
releasing a version that contains the new code.

p.s. I'm not the core author of python-twitter but I'm working with
them to make sure the library is updated and current.

> > --
> > Hwee-Boon
> > On Jun 13, 10:39 am, pythonista <sitecontac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >  I am using the simplegeo fork of python-oauth2, and it is working
> > > fine.
> > > However, I then realize it doesn't contain API calls to actually send
> > > tweets.
> > > Anyone know of a particular Api wrapper that has updated its code, so
> > > that calls are made using the token/token secret that is now
> > > mandatory, or will be this month ?
> > >http://code.google.com/p/python-twitter/doesn'tseemto have been
> > > updated yet for making calls via oauth
> > > Thanks.

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